A discrete Helmholtz decomposition with Morley finite element functions and the optimality of adaptive finite element schemes (bibtex)
by C. Carstensen, D. Gallistl and J. Hu
C. Carstensen, D. Gallistl and J. Hu:A discrete Helmholtz decomposition with Morley finite element functions and the optimality of adaptive finite element schemes, Comput. Math. Appl., volume 68, no.12, pp.2167–2181, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {C. Carstensen and D. Gallistl and J. Hu},
  title = {A discrete {H}elmholtz decomposition with {M}orley finite element
 functions and the optimality of adaptive finite element schemes},
  journal = {Comput. Math. Appl.},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {68},
  pages = {2167--2181},
  number = {12},
  doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2014.07.019},
  fjournal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}
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