Wavenumber explicit convergence analysis for finite element discretizations of time-harmonic wave propagation problems with perfectly matched layers (bibtex)
by T. Chaumont-Frelet, D. Gallistl, S. Nicaise and J. Tomezyk
T. Chaumont-Frelet, D. Gallistl, S. Nicaise and J. Tomezyk:Wavenumber explicit convergence analysis for finite element discretizations of time-harmonic wave propagation problems with perfectly matched layers, Comm. Math. Sci., volume 20, no.1, pp.1–52, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {T. Chaumont-Frelet and D. Gallistl and S. Nicaise
            and J. Tomezyk},
  title  = {Wavenumber explicit convergence analysis for finite
            element discretizations of time-harmonic wave propagation
            problems with perfectly matched layers},
  year   = {2022},
  journal = {Comm. Math. Sci.},
  year   = {2022},
  volume = {20},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--52}, 
  doi = {10.4310/CMS.2022.v20.n1.a1},
  HAL = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01887267},
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