Numerical approximation of planar oblique derivative problems in nondivergence form (bibtex)
by D. Gallistl
D. Gallistl:Numerical approximation of planar oblique derivative problems in nondivergence form, Math. Comp., volume 88, no.317, pp.1091–1119, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  AUTHOR      = {D. Gallistl},
  TITLE       = {Numerical approximation of planar oblique derivative
                 problems in nondivergence form},
  YEAR        = {2019},
  JOURNAL     = {Math. Comp.},
  VOLUME      = {88},
  NUMBER      = {317},
  pages       = {1091--1119},
  DOI         = {10.1090/mcom/3371},
  preprint    = {},
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