WS 2022-23

Proseminar Topologische Räume und Invarianten
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List of the talks

Status Topic Date
Reserved First meeting 20,10,2022
Reserved §12 Topological spaces, §13 Basis for a topology 27,10,2022
Reserved §15 The product and §16 the subset topology 03.11.2022
Reserved §17 Closed set and limit point 10.11.2022
Reserved §18 Continuous functions 17.11.2022
Reserved §20 and §21 The metric topology 24.11.2022
Reserved §22 The quotient topology 01.12.2022
Reserved §23 Connected spaces, §25 components and local connectedness 08.12.2022
Reserved §26 Compact spaces, §28 limit point compactness 15.12.2022
Reserved §51 Homotopy paths 12.01.2023
Reserved §52 The fundamental group 19.01.2023
Reserved §53 The covering spaces 26.01.2023
Reserved §54 The fundamental group of the circle 02.02.2023
Reserved §55 Retractions and fixed points 09.02.2023
Reserved §58 Deformation retracts and homotopy type 10.02.2023

Literature: James R. Munkres, Topology, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2000.