WS 2022-23
Proseminar Topologische Räume und Invarianten
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List of the talks
Status | Topic | Date |
Reserved | First meeting | 20,10,2022 |
Reserved | §12 Topological spaces, §13 Basis for a topology | 27,10,2022 |
Reserved | §15 The product and §16 the subset topology | 03.11.2022 |
Reserved | §17 Closed set and limit point | 10.11.2022 |
Reserved | §18 Continuous functions | 17.11.2022 |
Reserved | §20 and §21 The metric topology | 24.11.2022 |
Reserved | §22 The quotient topology | 01.12.2022 |
Reserved | §23 Connected spaces, §25 components and local connectedness | 08.12.2022 |
Reserved | §26 Compact spaces, §28 limit point compactness | 15.12.2022 |
Reserved | §51 Homotopy paths | 12.01.2023 |
Reserved | §52 The fundamental group | 19.01.2023 |
Reserved | §53 The covering spaces | 26.01.2023 |
Reserved | §54 The fundamental group of the circle | 02.02.2023 |
Reserved | §55 Retractions and fixed points | 09.02.2023 |
Reserved | §58 Deformation retracts and homotopy type | 10.02.2023 (9:00-11:00) |
Literature: James R. Munkres, Topology, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2000.