WS 21

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Topic Topology and geometry of toric varieties.
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Date: Topics: Status:
19.10.21 Introduction Reserved
26.10.21 I.1) Affine Schemes
I.1.1) Schemes as Sets
I.1.2) Schemes as top. Spaces
I.2) Schemes in general
I.2.1) Subschemes

Reference: The Geometry of Schemes Authors: David Eisenbud, Joe Harris
02,11,21 I.2.3) Morphisms
I.2.4) The gluing construction

Reference: The Geometry of Schemes Authors: David Eisenbud, Joe Harris
09.11.21 1.1) Introduction
1.2) Convex polyhedral cones
1.3) Affine toric varieties

Reference: Introduction to Toric Varieties Author: William Fulton

1.3) Properties of affine toric varieties (Smooth affine toric varieties)

Reference: Toric Varieties Authors: David Cox, John Little,Hal Schenck
16.11.21 1.4) Fans and affine toric varieties
1.5) Toric varieties from polytopes

Reference: Introduction to Toric Varieties Author: William Fulton
23.11.21 2) Preliminaries

Reference: The intersection homology with twisted coefficients of toric varieties (PhD thesis)
Author: Yavin, David
30.11.21 2.1) Local properties
3.1) Orbits
3.2) Orbits-Cone correspondence

Reference: Introduction to Toric Varieties Author: William Fulton
07.12.21 3.2) Fundamental groups and Euler characteristic

Reference: Introduction to Toric Varieties Author: William Fulton
14.12.21 1.2) CW-Cell decomposition
3.1) Cellular homology

Reference: On toric varieties(PhD thesis) Author: Stephan Fischli
21.12.21 2.1) Covariant functors and associated homology theories

Reference: Homology and Cohomology of Toric Varieties (PhD Thesis) Author: Arno Jordan
11.01.22 2.2) The homology spectral sequence of a filtered chain complex

Reference: Homology and Cohomology of Toric Varieties (PhD Thesis) Author: Arno Jordan
18.01.22 2.3) The toric homology spectral sequence

Reference: Homology and Cohomology of Toric Varieties (PhD Thesis) Author: Arno Jordan
25.01.22 3.3) The second E term of the integral toric homology sequence
3.4) Toric varieties of dimension 1 or 2
3.5) Toric varieties of dimension 3
3.6) Toric varieties of dimension 4 or more

Reference: Homology and Cohomology of Toric Varieties (PhD Thesis) Author: Arno Jordan