Benson's Test for Completion

The reference for Benson's test is: D. Benson. Dickson invariants, regularity and computation in group cohomology. Illinois J. Math. 48 (2004), 171–197. Published version.

Briefly, Benson's test goes as follows. Suppose we have computed the cohomology ring out to degree N and have found ζ1,…,ζr which are a hsop for the cohomology ring and for the current approximation. Let ni = max(|ζi|,2). Benson's test requires that the p-rank r be at least two.

First one checks whether the hsop is filter-regular. If so, one computes the best possible filter type (d0,…,dr). Then one calculates

α = max{i + di | 0 ≤ ir-2 }.
The approximation passes Benson's test and is the cohomology ring, provided that
N > max{α,0} + n1 + … + nr - r.
Note that this α is not quite the α of Benson's Theorem 10.1. Rather it is the easily computable upper bound for Benson's α which he himself suggests.

Benson also points out that if the p-rank of the centre is at least two, then the > in the above inequality can be replaced by ≥.

Benson actually requires that ni := |ζi| should be at least two. But I've checked that squaring ζi affects neither filter-regularity nor the type.

Computing the filter type

The rules for the type (d0,…,dr) are: d0 ≥ -1; and di+1 is either di or di-1. A hsop for R is filter-regular of this type provided that multiplication by ζi+1 is injective on R⁄(ζ1,…,ζi) in degrees > n1+…+ni + di for 0 ≤ ir, where ζr+1=0.

Amongst the various types of a filter-regular sequence there is one which is smallest in the dominance partial ordering. This best fitting type is determined as follows:

The regularity conjecture, or SPQR and all that

A filter-regular hsop of type (d0,…,dr) is

The regularity conjecture is equivalent to every filter-regular sequence being strongly quasi-regular. As yet there is no counterexample to the stronger statement that every filter-regular sequence is very strongly quasi-regular.

I haven't yet written the code to compute the regularity, should a filter-regular sequence turn up which is not strongly quasi-regular. I presume that Benson's paper holds some clues.

Last modified 7 March 2006 — David J. Green
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