Tractability of Tensor Product Linear Operators

Erich Novak, Ian Sloan, Henryk Wozniakowski

December 15, 1996

This paper is concerned with the worst case setting of approximating multivariate tensor product linear operators defined over Hilbert spaces. Approximations are obtained by computing a number of linear functionals from a given class of information. We consider the three classes of information: the class of all linear functionals, the Fourier class of inner products with respect to given orthonormal elements, and the standard class of function values. We analyze which problems are tractable and which strongly tractable. The complete analysis is provided for approximating operators of rank two or more. The problem of approximating linear functionals is fully analyzed in the first two classes of information. For the third class of standard information we show that the possibilities are very rich. We prove that tractability of linear functionals depends on the given space of functions. For some spaces all nontrivial normed linear functionals are intractable, whereas for other spaces all linear functionals are tractable. In ``typical'' function spaces some linear functionals are tractable and some others are not.