Institute of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Winfried Sickel


    Winfried Sickel
    Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
    Institute of Mathematics
    Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2
    D-07740 Jena
    Tel.: (49) 3641-9-46125
    Room number: 3540A


    1954 Born in Erfurt
    1973 Gymnasium in Neudietendorf
    1973/74 Employed by the LPG Andisleben
    1974-79 Study of mathematics in Jena
    1984 Phd thesis under supervision of Prof. H. Triebel
    1992 Habilitation
    1993 Privatdozent at the FSU Jena
    2000 apl. Prof. at the FSU Jena
    2020 Retiered

    Familie Sickel (click on the picture for a larger picture)

Research:     Links

Research:     Fields of interest

  • Sparse grids, approximation from the hyperbolic cross and function spaces with dominating mixed derivative
  • Regularity of solutions of elliptic pde
  • Function spaces (equivalent quasi-norms, embeddings, traces)
  • Nonlinear mappings and function spaces (Nemytzkij operators)
  • Pointwise multipliers and function spaces
  • Atoms and wavelets
  • List of publications
  • Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 2005 (2010)