Workshop on
Dynamical Systems and Dimension Theory
Date and Location: 8-12 September 2014, Wöltingerode,
Organisers: Gabriel Fuhrmann,
Tobias Jäger
workshop is dedicated to topics related to Dynamical Systems and
Dimension Theory. A particular focus will lie on recent advances
concerning the Dimensions of Classical Weierstrass Graphs and on the
Mathematical Diffraction Theory of Quasicrystals, and both topics will
be the subject of a short lecture series. More specialised research
talks will be dedicated to a variety of further topics in the area.
Lecture series - Dimensions of the graph of
the classical Weierstrass function (Gerhard Keller, FAU
- Quasicrystals, Aperiodic Order and
Mathematical Diffraction Theory (Daniel Lenz, FSU Jena).
Scientific Network
The workshop is part of the activities of a corresponding "scientific
network", which is funded by
the Scientific Network Program of
the German Research Council and involves dynamicists
from the universities of Bremen, Jena,
Erlangen, Vienna and
Rio de Janeiro
(UFRJ). It is the first of four consecutive annual workshops in
the years 2012-2015.
Participation and Funding
In case of interest, please contact the organisers. Funding for the
network members is provided by the German Research Council.