Christos Pervolianakis

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2

Room: 3533
Tel.: +49 (0) 3641-9-46133
E-mail: christos.pervolianakis AT

I am a postdoctoral researcher (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) in the group of Prof. Dr. Dietmar Gallistl at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.


Current teaching (Spring Semester 2025)
Past teaching
  • Exercises, at Department of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, University of Crete,


My research interests include:

  • numerical analysis
  • numerical solution of partial differential equations with finite element method
  • a posteriori error estimation and adaptivity


  • (2022, with P. Chatzipantelidis) [] Error analysis of a backward Euler positive preserving stabilized scheme for a Chemotaxis system.
  • (2024) [] Error analysis of an Algebraic Flux Correction Scheme for a nonlinear Scalar Conservation Law Using SSP--RK2.
  • (2024) [] Numerical analysis of a stabilized scheme for an optimal control problem governed by a parabolic convection--diffusion equation.
  • (2025) Analysis of a stabilized finite element scheme for a viscous Hamilton--Jacobi equation.

Lecture Material

Lecture notes

Here you may find lecture notes from classes that I have taught. (Under construction)

  • Notes of numerical methods of ODEs
  • Notes of numerical methods of PDEs
Programming codes

Here you may find some collection of programming exercises and their solution that used during my lectures.

  • Approximating Ordinary Differential Equations. Some solved exercises.
    • Explicit Euler: pdf and here its implemetantion in Python.

    • Implicit Euler with Newton method: pdf and here its implemetantion in Python.

    • Explicit Euler (System): pdf and here its implemetantion in Python.

    • Implicit Euler with Newton method (System): pdf and here its implemetantion in Python.

    • Lotka-Volterra Equations: pdf and here its implemetantion in Python with Explicit Euler and Implicit Midpoint Method.

    • Explicit Multistep Methods (Adams-Bashforth): pdf and the implemetantion in Python of the corresponding cases for a scalar ODE Case 1, Case 2, Case 3 the implemetantion in Python of the corresponding cases for a system ODE Case 1, Case 2, Case 3.

  • Approximating Partial Differential Equations with Finite Element Method (Soon)
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