tcond [Options] [-nt] [-T MaxTime] [-g NGen] Info M N Result
This program performs the final steps of the tensor condensation procedure. It calculates, for one or more elements a₁,a₂,…∊A, the action of eHaieH on the condensed tensor product (M⊗N)eH.
As input, the program expects the action of ai on M and N with respect to the same basis as the generators of the condensation subgroup H that were fed into precond before. The program also needs the semisimplicity basis calculated by pwkond, and the P and Q matrices calculated by precond.
If the generators are already given with repect to the semisimplicity basis, you can use the "-n" option to tell tcond to skip the basis change.
The output are NGen matrices describing the action of e_HaieH on (M⊗N)eH. These matrices are written to Result.1, Result.2 ... If you use the "-t" option, tcond also calculates the action of ai on M and N with respect to the semisimplicity basis. This option cannot be used together with "-n".
The following sequence of commands shows the complete procedure for condensing a tensor product. To make things more simple, we assume that M=N. The condensation subgroup shall be given by three generators in the files "sub.1", "sub.2", and "sub.3". The generators of the group shall be "g.1" and "g.2".
chop -g 3 sub pwkond -tb sub precond tp sub sub tcond -g 2 tp g g result
After these commands are completed, the action of the condensed generators is in "result.1", "result.2", and "result.3".
The algorithm used by this program is described in [Wie94].