
Evolving an addition-network
figure 3
figure 3
In this example, the evolution of a simple network, capable of the addition of two positive real numbers, is described. The two numbers will be encoded as the initial concentrations of two input species input1 and input2, while the output of the calculation will be found in the concentration of species output at time 10.0.
As a first step, we have to prepare the building-blocks for the evolver. This is done in the file


(figure 3). As you can see, we only use mass-action kinetics here. We also specify boundaries for the parameters, which helps to avoid numerical problems in the integration when the time-scales become too separated.
figure 4
figure 4
The second item we have to think about is the objective function (shown in figure 4). We choose to use four fitness cases, taking 0 and 10 as values for both




(more should be used, but this is not done here due to space constraints). We will measure the concentration of


at four timesteps of 2.0 seconds each, ignoring the first one (offset). Since the input is only to be specified at t = 0, we put a ’*’ in front of its concentration. We do not want to use Akaike’s Information Criterion to modify the fitness (


), and we want to have a mass-conserving network (penalties for non-massconservance and size).
figure 5
figure 5
After the general setup of the run has been determined in the two textfiles, we have to decide about the actual parameters of the evolutionary algorithm, given in file


(see figure 5). In this case, we choose to use a population size of 20, producing 80 offspring in a overlapping fashion, such that selection acts on 100 individuals. The population is then refilled by mutations and crossover on the survivors. All survivors are selected by elitist selection. Every tenth offspring should be produced by crossover between survivors. This is a very strong selection pressure, so it will only be successful in simple cases such as this example. In each fitness evaluation, the model parameters are be improved in a (1,5)-ES for 15 generations. Since we use default filenames for all files, we can call the SBMLevolver without command-line arguments.
The output on the screen shows best, average and worst fitness as well as average fitness-change:
Turn Best Avg Diff1 Diff2 Species Reactions
1 6.431398 26.97341 7.960000 5.640000 3.200000 4.800000
2 0.084014 8.160019 9.840000 6.480000 3.800000 6.600000
3 0.002412 4.835043 13.98000 7.720000 4.600000 8.900000
4 0.002412 3.037237 16.78000 8.660000 5.300000 11.400000
5 0.001200 0.912607 16.54000 9.440000 5.800000 12.200000
6 0.000758 0.007115 9.980000 9.180000 5.900000 12.100000
7 0.000246 0.001053 12.52000 9.240000 6.000000 13.700000
8 0.000098 0.000412 15.76000 9.340000 5.900000 15.700000
9 0.000088 0.000248 17.84000 9.620000 5.700000 16.400000
10 0.000057 0.000136 20.82000 10.46000 6.300000 17.600000
11 0.000035 0.000107 25.52000 11.18000 6.700000 20.000000
12 0.000010 0.000053 24.00000 11.74000 8.100000 19.500000
13 0.000010 0.000047 29.48000 13.62000 8.700000 23.700000
14 0.000010 0.000047 29.48000 13.62000 8.700000 23.700000
15 0.000003 0.000035 33.38000 14.88000 9.000000 27.600000
Run finished: reached desired fitness
figure 6
figure 6
The best model after this run can be seen in figure 6. By playing with the penalties and AIC, we would hope to find a more elegant solution that focuses on the bare necessities of the problem.