Step-by-step guide

for software installation


The SBMLevolver has been developed and tested only under Linux, and it will probably also run under any current MacOS operating system. No Windows version is planned, since the effort needed for porting is too big at the current stage. For installation of the program, the following freely-available libraries are needed and should be installed in the order in which they are given here.
  1. Installation of Sundials

    $> wget
    $> tar xfz sundials-2.3.0.tar.gz
    $> cd sundials-2.3.0/
    $> ./configure
    $> make
    $> sudo make install
    $> cd ..

  2. Installation of libsbml

    $> wget
    $> unzip
    $> cd libsbml-3.1.1/
    $> ./configure
    $> make
    $> sudo make install
    $> cd ..

  3. Installation of SBML_odeSolver

    First make sure, that the library directory is clean:

    $> sudo rm /usr/local/lib/libODES.*

    Then install SBML_odeSolver:

    $> wget
    $> tar xfz SBML_odeSolver_version_corresponding_to_SBMLevolver.tar.gz
    $> cd SBML_odeSolver/
    $> ./configure
    $> make
    $> sudo make install
    $> cd ..

  4. Installation of sbmlevolver

    $> wget
    $> tar xfz sbmlevolver.tar.gz
    $> cd sbmlevolver-release-dec-08/
    $> ./
    $> ./configure
    $> make
    $> sudo make install
    $> cd ..

Installation instructions

For instructions regarding installation of the software, see the


file included in the software package.