SharedMeatAxe  1.0
Error handling and messages

Detailed Description

Errors can occur inside the MeatAxe library for many reasons:

Note that invalid parameters are not always detected by the MeatAxe library. For example, most kernel functions such as FfAdd() do not check their arguments for the sake of performance. Thus, calling these function with invalid arguments may produce random results or even crash the program. However, most higher-level functions do some plausibility checks on their arguments before processing them.

When an error is detected, some variant of MtxError() is called, which extracts information on where and why the error occurred, and calls an error handler with that information. The default error handler just terminates the program with an appropriate error message. But code linked against can of course define a custom error handler.

In SharedMeatAxe 1.0, as opposed to MeatAxe 2.4.24, most higher level functions return a specific value in the case of an error, and they propagate these error values. It thus makes sense for a MeatAxe application to define a custom error handler that stores the information provided by MtxError(), and then check whether a called library function returns an error value; if it does, the application can deal with the error based on the data stored by the error handler.

How to use the error handling framework

Each source file which uses the MeatAxe error mechanism, i.e., MtxError() or any of the MTX_ERROR() macros, must also define one MtxFileInfo_t structure at file scope. This is most conveniently done by putting the MTX_DEFINE_FILE_INFO macro into the file.

Here is a short example:

#include "meataxe.h"
int divide(int a, int b)
if (b == 0)
MTX_ERROR("Division by 0");
return 0;
return a / b;

Note that you must not assume that MTX_ERROR terminates the program. Thus, if another function calls divide(a,b), which returns 0, then it is possible that an error has occurred. Hence, the callee needs to check whether there is an error or not, and eventually return its own error value.

See also
MtxError MtxErrorRecord_t MTX_DEFINE_FILE_INFO

Data Structures

struct  MtxFileInfo_t
 File information. More...
struct  MtxErrorRecord_t
 Run-time errors. More...
struct  msg_struct
 Internal data structure.


#define MTX_ERR_NOMEM   1
 Not enough memory.
#define MTX_ERR_GAME_OVER   2
 Time limit exceeded.
#define MTX_ERR_DIV0   8
 Division by 0 or singular Matrix.
#define MTX_ERR_FILEFMT   24
 Bad format.
#define MTX_ERR_BADARG   31
 Bad argument.
#define MTX_ERR_RANGE   33
 Out of range.
#define MTX_ERR_NOTECH   34
 Matrix not in chelon form.
#define MTX_ERR_NOTSQUARE   35
 Matrix not square.
#define MTX_ERR_INCOMPAT   36
 Arguments are incompatible.
#define MTX_ERR_BADUSAGE   41
 Bad command line.
#define MTX_ERR_OPTION   42
 Bad usage of option.
#define MTX_ERR_NARGS   43
 Bad number of arguments.
#define MTX_ERR_NOTMATRIX   51
 Not a matrix.
#define MTX_ERR_NOTPERM   53
 Not a permutation.
#define MTX_DEFINE_FILE_INFO   static MtxFileInfo_t Mtx_ThisFile = { __FILE__, NULL };
 This macro must be included in each source file that uses the MeatAxe error reporting mechanism. More...


typedef void MtxErrorHandler_t(const MtxErrorRecord_t *)
 Error handlers. More...


MtxErrorHandler_tMtxSetErrorHandler (MtxErrorHandler_t *h)
 Define an error handler. More...
int MtxError (MtxFileInfo_t *fi, int line, const char *text,...)
 Signal an error. More...
int MtxFormatMessage (char *buf, int bufsize, const char *msg, va_list al)
 Format a message. More...
int MtxPrintMessage (FILE *f, const char *fmt,...)
 Print a message. More...


int MtxMessageLevel
 Message level. More...
int MtxMessageLevel = 0
 Message level. More...
int MtxErrNo = 0
 Last error code.

Macro Definition Documentation

MTX_DEFINE_FILE_INFO   static MtxFileInfo_t Mtx_ThisFile = { __FILE__, NULL };

This macro must be included in each source file that uses the MeatAxe error reporting mechanism.

It defines a data structure of type MtxFileInfo_t that is used by the error reporting macros

See also

Typedef Documentation

typedef void MtxErrorHandler_t(const MtxErrorRecord_t *)

Error handlers.

See also
MtxSetErrorHandler MtxErrorRecord_t

Function Documentation

int MtxError ( MtxFileInfo_t fi,
int  line,
const char *  text,

Signal an error.

This function is used to report errors. The current error handler is executed- The default handler just writes an error message to the error log file (stderr by default) and terminates the program.

The error message, text, is formatted with MtxFormatMessage().

fiPointer to a file information structure.
lineLine number where the error occurred.
textError description.
...Optional arguments to be inserted into the error description.
The return value is always 0.
int MtxFormatMessage ( char *  buf,
int  bufsize,
const char *  msg,
va_list  al 

Format a message.

This function formats a message using a |printf|-like syntax. Only the follwing four format codes may be used within |msg|:

  • %d prints a signed decimal integer. The corresponding argument must be of type int.
  • %s prints a string. The corresponding argument must be a pointer to a null-terminated string.
  • %E takes an int argument, which must be one the MeatAxe error codes (MTX_ERR_xxxx) defined in "meataxe.h". It prints a description of the error.
  • %S prints the system error name corresponding to the current value of errno.
bufBuffer for the message.
bufsizeSize of buffer.
msgThe message text.
alOptional arguments for the message (see description).
int MtxPrintMessage ( FILE *  f,
const char *  fmt,

Print a message.

This function writes a message to a file using a printf()-like syntax. See MtxFormatMessage() for details.

fFile to write to.
fmtMessage to write
...Optional arguments for the message.
MtxErrorHandler_t * MtxSetErrorHandler ( MtxErrorHandler_t h)

Define an error handler.

This function defines an error handler that is called every time an error occurs inside

hPointer to the new error handler or NULL to restore the default handler.
Returns the previous error handler.
See also
MtxErrorRecord_t MtxErrorHandler_t

Variable Documentation

int MtxMessageLevel = 0

Message level.

This value determines which messages generated by MSG0()...MSG4() are actually output and which are suppressed.

int MtxMessageLevel

Message level.

This value determines which messages generated by MSG0()...MSG4() are actually output and which are suppressed.

SharedMeatAxe 1.0 documentation, generated on Sat Dec 30 2017 12:13:21