Publications by Peter Dittrich

Also available as sorted by: year, type

Some entries appear more than once.

Comments are very welcome!

------ Molecular Code Theory -------

C. Neu, Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich (2018)
Molecular Codes in Large Metabolic Networks
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 80(3) 587-604
paper (pdf)

Peter Dittrich (2018)
Towards measuring the semantic capacity of a physical medium demonstrated with elementary cellular automata
Biosystems 164, 177-185
doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2017.11.007

Dennis Görlich, Gabi Escuela, Gerd Grünert, Peter Dittrich, Bashar Ibrahim (2014)
Molecular Codes Through Complex Formation in a Model of the Human Inner Kinetochore
Biosemiotics, 7(2): 223-247, 2014
preprint, Journal home, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054694

Dennis Görlich, Peter Dittrich (2013)
Molecular Codes in Biological and Non-Biological Reaction Networks
PLoS ONE, 8(1): e54694
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054694

Dennis Görlich, Stefan Artmann, Peter Dittrich (2011)
Cells as Semantic Systems
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1810(10):914923, 2011
doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2011.04.004

Dennis Görlich, Peter Dittrich (2011)
Identifying Molecular Organic Codes in Reaction Networks
In: G. Kampis, I. Karsai, E. Szathmary (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life (ECAL 2009), LNCS, Volume 5777, pp. 305-312, Springer, Berlin, 2011
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21283-3_38

------ Artificial Chemical Neurons -------

K Gizynski, Gerd Grünert, Peter Dittrich, J Gorecki (2017)
Evolutionary design of classifiers made of droplets containing a nonlinear chemical medium
Evolutionary computation 25 (4), 643-671
doi: 10.1162/evco_a_00197

Gerd Grünert, Konrad Gizynski, Gabi Escuela, Bashar Ibrahim, Jerzy Gorecki, Peter Dittrich (2015)
Understanding Networks of Computing Chemical Droplet Neurons Based on Information Flow
Int. J. Neur. Sys.}, 25(7):1450032 (17 pages)
doi: doi:10.1142/S0129065714500324

Jerzy Gorecki, Konrad Gizynski, J. Guzowski, J.B. Gorecka, P. Garstecki, Gerd Grünert, Peter Dittrich (2015)
Chemical computing with reaction–diffusion processes
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A}, 373(2046): 20140219 (19 pages)
doi: 10.1098/rsta.2014.0219

Gerd Grünert, Jan Szymanski, Julian Holley, Gabi Escuela, Alexandra Diem, Bashar Ibrahim, Andy Adamatzky, Jerzy Gorecki, Peter Dittrich (2013)
Multi-scale Modelling of Computers made from Excitable Chemical Droplets
International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 9(3-4):237-266, 2013

Andy Adamatzky, _costello, Peter Dittrich, Jerzy Gorecki, Klaus-Peter Zauner (2014)
On logical universality of Belousov-Zhabotinsky vesicles
Int. J. General Systems, 43(7):757-769
doi: 10.1080/03081079.2014.921000

Gerd Grünert, Gabi Escuela, Peter Dittrich (2014)
Symbol Representations in Evolving Droplet Computers
Natural Computing, 13(2):247-256
doi: 10.1007/s11047-013-9384-7

Gerd Grünert, Gabi Escuela, Peter Dittrich (2012)
Symbol Representations in Evolving Droplet Computers
In: J. Durand-Lose, N. Jonoska (Eds.): Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation - 11th International Conference, UCNC 2012, Orlean, France, Sept. 3-7, 2012. Proceedings. LNCS 7445, Springer, 2012
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-32894-7_13

------ Chemical Organization Theory - Basic Theory -------

Peter Dittrich, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio (2007)
Chemical Organization Theory
Bull. Math. Biol., 69(4):1199-1231, 2007
abstract, old version: Anstract (arXiv 2005), old preprint (2005, short version) (supplement available on request), 10.1007/s11538-006-9130-8

Peter Dittrich, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio (2007)
Chemical Organization Theory
In: M. Al-Rubeai, M. Fussenegger (Eds.); Cell Engineering, Volume 5: Systems Biology, p. 361-393, Springer

Peter Dittrich, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio (2005)
Chemical Organization Theory: Towards a Theory of Constructive Dynamical Systems
Anstract, paper (pdf) (supplement available on request)

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio and Peter Dittrich (2002)
Artificial Chemistry's Global Dynamics. Movement in the Lattice of Organisation
The Journal of Three Dimensional Images, 16(4):160-163.

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich, Jens Ziegler and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2001)
Towards a Theory of Organizations
In: Holger Lange et al. (Eds.), Proc. German Workshop on Artificial Life (GWAL 2000), Bayreuth, April 5-7, 2000 (in print)
preprint (ps), revised version (doc)

------ Chemical Organization Theory - Algorithms and Extensions -------

Richard Henze, Chunyan Mu, Mate Puljiz, Nishanthan Kamaleson, Jan Huwald, John Haslegrave, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, David Parker, Christopher Good, Jonathan E Rowe, Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich (2019)
Multi-scale stochastic organization-oriented coarse-graining exemplified on the human mitotic checkpoint
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3902
doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40648-w

C Mu, Peter Dittrich, D Parker, JE Rowe (2018)
Organisation-Oriented Coarse Graining and Refinement of Stochastic Reaction Networks
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 15(4):1152-1166
doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2018.2804395

Wim Hordijk, Mike Steel, Peter Dittrich (2018)
Autocatalytic sets and chemical organizations: Modeling self-sustaining reaction networks at the origin of life
New Journal of Physics 20 (1), 015011
doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/aa9fcd

C Mu, Peter Dittrich, D Parker, JE Rowe (2016)
Formal quantitative analysis of reaction networks using chemical organisation theory
International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 232-251
doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2018.2804395

Tomas Veloz, P. Razeto-Barry, Peter Dittrich, A. Fajardo (2015)
Reaction Networks and Evolutionary Game Theory
J. Math. Biol., 68(1-2): 181-206
doi: 10.1007/s00285-012-0626-6, published online: 23 Nov 2012

Peter Kreyssig, C. Wozar, Tomas Veloz, Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich (2014)
Effects of Small Particle Numbers on Long-Term Behavior in Discrete Chemical System
Bioinformatics, 30(17):i475-i481
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu453

Tomas Veloz, P. Razeto-Barry, Peter Dittrich, A. Fajardo (2015)
Reaction Networks and Evolutionary Game Theory
J. Math. Biol., 68(1-2): 181-206
doi: 10.1007/s00285-012-0626-6, published online: 23 Nov 2012

Peter Kreyssig, Peter Dittrich (2010)
Fragments and Chemical Organizations
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 272:19-41, 2011
doi: 10.1016/j.entcs.2011.04.003, preprint

Stephan Peter, Tomas Veloz, Peter Dittrich (2010)
Feasibility of Organizations - A Refinement of Chemical Organization Theory
In: M. Gheorghe, T. Hinze, G. Paun (Eds.), Proc. of the Eleventh International Conference on Membrane Computing, p. 369-382, ProBusiness Berlin, 2010
preprint (PDF)

Gill Benkoe, Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich, Baerbel M. R. Stadler, Peter F. Stadler (2009)
A Topological Approach to Chemical Organizations
Artif. Life, 15(1):71-88, 2009
doi: doi:10.1162/artl.2009.15.1.15105

Florian Centler, Christoph Kaleta, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich (2008)
Computing Chemical Organizations in Biological Networks
Bioinformatics, 24(14), 1611 - 1618, 2008
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn228, Journal home,

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Chemical Organizations at Different Spatial Scales
In: Proc. European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2007), LNCS 4648, p. 1-11, Springer, Berlin,
preprint (pdf), doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-74913-4_1, ISBN: 978-3-540-74912-7

------ Chemical Organization Theory - Applications -------

Christoph Kaleta, Stephan Richter, Peter Dittrich (2009)
Using Chemical Organization Theory for Model-Checking
Bioinformatics, 25(15):1915-1922, 2009
paper, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp332, journal home

Christoph Kaleta, Florian Centler, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio Peter Dittrich (2008)
Phenotype prediction in regulated metabolic networks
BMC Systems Biology, 2:37
paper, doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-2-37

Peter Dittrich, Lars Winter (2008)
Chemical Organizations in a Toy-Model of the Political System
Advances in Complex Systems 11(4), 609-627
doi: 10.1142/S0219525908001878

Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Chemical organizations in atmospheric photochemistries: a new method to analyze chemical reaction networks
Planet. Space Sci. , 55(4): 413-428, 2007
Journal home, doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2006.08.002

Christoph Kaleta, Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich (2006)
Analyzing Molecular Reaction Networks: From Pathways to Chemical Organizations
Mol. Biotechnol., 34(2): 117-123
Journal home, (preprint available on request)

Florian Centler, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Naoki Matsumaru, Peter Dittrich (2006)
Chemical organizations in the central sugar metabolism of Escherichia Coli
In: Modeling and Simulation in Science Engineering and Technology, Post-proceedings of ECMTB 2005 (in print)
preprint (pdf)

Naoki Matsumaru, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich (2006)
On the Evolution of Chemical Organizations
in: S. Artmann, P. Dittrich (Eds.), Proc. 7th German Workshop on Artificial Life, p. 135-146
Workshop homepage, paper (pdf)

Naoki Matsumaru, Florian Centler, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich (2006)
Chemical organization theory applied to virus dynamics
it - Information Technology, 48(3), 154-160
Journal home, preprint (pdf)

Naoki Matsumaru, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich (2005)
A Case Study of Chemical Organization Theory Applied to Virus Dynamics
in: J. T. Kim (Ed.), Systems Biology Workshop at ECAL 2005, Workshop Proceedings CD-ROM, 5-9 Septmebner 2005, Kent, UK
Workshop homepage, paper (pdf)

------ Chemoinformatics - Trajectory Compression - Rule-based Modeling -------

Jan Huwald, Stephan Richter, Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich (2016)
Compressing molecular dynamics trajectories: breaking the one-bit-per-sample barrier
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37 (20), 1897-1906
preprint, doi: 10.1002/jcc.24405

Stephan Richter, Ingo Fetzer, Martin Thulner, Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich (2015)
Towards a rule-based metabolic data base
Int. J. Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 13(3):278-319
doi: 10.1504/IJDMB.2015.072103

------ Chemical (Network) Evolution -------

Jakob Fischer, Axel Kleidon, Peter Dittrich (2015)
Thermodynamics of random reaction networks
PLoS ONE, 10(2): e0117312
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117312

Peter Kreyssig, Gabi Escuela, Bryan Reynaert, Tomas Veloz, Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich (2012)
Cycles and the Qualitative Evolution of Chemical Systems
PLoS ONE, 7(10): e45772
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045772

------ Systems Biology of the Cell Cycle -------

Richard Henze, Peter Dittrich, Bashar Ibrahim (2017)
A Dynamical Model for Activating and Silencing the Mitotic Checkpoint
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 3865
doi: 10.5194/gmd-2016-242

Richard Henze, Jan Huwald, N. Mostajo, Peter Dittrich, Bashar Ibrahim (2015)
Structural analysis of in silico mutant experiments of human inner-kinetochore structure
Biosystems, 127:47-59
doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2014.11.004

A.K. Caydasi, M. Lohel, Gerd Grünert, Peter Dittrich, G. Pereira, Bashar Ibrahim (2012)
A Dynamical Model of the Spindle Positioning Checkpoint
Mol. Syst. Biol., 582
doi: 10.1038/msb.2012.15

Maiko Lohel, Bashar Ibrahim, Stephan Diekmann, Peter Dittrich (2009)
The role of localization in the operation of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint
Cell Cycle 8(16),2650-2660, 2009

Bashar Ibrahim, Eberhard Schmidt, Peter Dittrich, Stephan Diekmann (2009)
MCC Assembly is not Combined With Full Cdc20 Sequestering
Biosystems, 95(1):35-50, 2009
doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2008.06.007

Bashar Ibrahim, Stephan Diekmann, Eberhard Schmidt, Peter Dittrich (2008)
In-Silico Modeling of the Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint
PLoS ONE 3(2):e1555, 2008
paper, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001555

Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich, Stephan Diekmann, Eberhard Schmidt (2008)
Mad2 binding is not sufficient for complete Cdc20 sequestering in mitotic transition control (an in silico study)
Biophysical Chemistry, 134(1-2), 93-100, 2008
doi: 10.1016/j.bpc.2008.01.007

Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich, Stephan Diekmann, Eberhard Schmidt (2007)
Stochastic effects in a compartmental model for mitotic checkpoint regulation
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 4(3), 66, 2007
paper, doi: doi:10.2390/biecoll-jib-2007-66

------ PML Bodies -------

Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters, Thorsten Lenser, Dmitri Negorev, Norman Gerstner, Thomas G. Hofmann, Georg Schwanitz, Christian Hoischen, Gerd Maul, Peter Dittrich, Peter Hemmerich
Dynamics of Component Exchange at PML Nuclear Bodies
J. Cell Sci., Online since 29 July 2008
doi: 10.1242/jcs.031922, Journal

------ Spatial Rule-Based Modeling -------

Gerd Grünert, Bashar Ibrahim, Thorsten Lenser, Maiko Lohel, Thomas Hinze, Peter Dittrich (2010)
Rule-based spatial modeling with diffusing, geometrically constrained molecules
BMC Bioinformatics, 11:307, 2010
doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-307

Gerd Grünert, Peter Dittrich (2010)
Using the SRSim Software for Spatial and Rule-Based Modelling of Combinatorially Complex Biochemical Reaction Systems
In: M. Gheorghe, T. Hinze, G. Paun (Eds.), Proc. of the Eleventh International Conference on Membrane Computing, p. 339-256, ProBusiness Berlin, 2010
preprint (PDF)

------ Kinetochore (3-D rule-based modelling) -------

Sergej Tschernyschkow, Sabine Herda, Gerd Grünert, Volker Döring, Dennis Görlich, Antje Hofmeister, Christian Hoischen, Stephan Diekmann, Peter Dittrich, Bashar Ibrahim (2013)
Rule-based Modeling and Simulations of the Inner Kinetochore Structure
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, (online, 2 April 2013)
doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2013.03.010

Bashar Ibrahim, Richard Henze, Gerd Grünert, Matthew Egbert, Jan Huwald, Peter Dittrich (2013)
Spatial Rule-Based Modeling: A method and its application to the human mitotic kinetochore
Cells, 2:506-544
doi: 10.3390/cells2030506

------ Chemical Computing -------

A. Adamatzky, J. Holley, Peter Dittrich, J. Gorecki, B. De Lacy Costello, Klaus-Peter Zauner, L. Bull (2012)
On architectures of circuits implemented in simulated BelousovZhabotinsky droplets
Biosystems, 109(1):72-77, 2012
doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2011.12.007

Naoki Matsumaru,Peter Kreyssig, Peter Dittrich (2011)
Organisation-Oriented Chemical Programming
In: C. Muller-Schloer, H. Schmeck, T. Ungerer (Eds.), Organic Computing A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems, Autonomic Systems, Volume 1, Part 2, 207-220, Springer, Basel
doi: 10.1007/978-3-0348-0130-0_13 , preprint (PDF)

Peter Dittrich,Peter Kreyssig (2011)
Emergent Control
In: C. Muller-Schloer, H. Schmeck, T. Ungerer (Eds.), Organic Computing A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems, Autonomic Systems, Volume 1, Part 1, 67-78, Springer, Basel
doi: 10.1007/978-3-0348-0130-0_4, preprint (PDF)

Naoki Matsumaru,Thomas Hinze, Peter Dittrich (2009)
Organization-oriented Chemical Programming of Distributed Artifacts
International Journal of Nanotechnology and Molecular Computation, 1(4): 1-19, 2009
doi: 10.4018/jnmc.2009120901, preprint (PDF)

Thomas Hinze, Thorsten Lenser, Florian Centler, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich (2010)
Event-Driven Metamorphoses of P Systems
In D. Corne, P. Frisco, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa (Eds.), Membrane Computing. Proc. Ninth International Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC9), LNCS 5391, 231-245, Springer, Berlin
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-95885-7_17

Thomas Hinze, _fassler, Thorsten Lenser, Peter Dittrich (2009)
Register Machine Computations on Binary Numbers by Oscillating and Catalytic Chemical Reactions Modelled Using Mass-Action Kinetics
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 20(3): 411-426.
(in print), journal home

Raffael Fassler, Thomas Hinze, Thorsten Lenser, Peter Dittrich (2008)
Construction of Oscillating Chemical Register Machines on Binary Numbers using Mass-Action Kinetics.
In O.H. Ibarra, P. Sosik (Eds.), Preliminary Proceedings Prague International Workshop on Membrane Computing in conjunction with DNA14 (PIWMC2008), pp. 11-22, Silesian University Press, 2008
Conference webpage, ISBN 978-80-7248-468-3

Hendrik Rohn, Bashar Ibrahim, Thorsten Lenser, Thomas Hinze, Peter Dittrich (2008)
Enhancing Parameter Estimation of Biochemical Networks by Exponentially Scaled Search Steps
In: E. Marchiori, J.H. Moore (Eds.), Proc. 6th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics (EvoBIO2008), LNCS 4973, pp. 177-187, Springer, Berlin, 2008
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-78757-0_16

Naoki Matsumaru, Thorsten Lenser, Thomas Hinze, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Toward Organization-Oriented Chemical Programming: A Case Study with the Maximal Independent Set Problem
In: F. Dressler, I. Carreras (Eds.), Advances in Biologically Inspired Information Systems, (Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 69), p. 147-163, Springer, Berlin
preprint (pdf), doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72693-7_8

Peter Dittrich, Naoki Matsumaru (2007)
Organization-Oriented Chemical Programming
Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2007. HIS 2007. 7th International Conference on (HIS 2007), 17-19 Sept. 2007, pages 8-23, IEEE DL
preprint (pdf), DOI: 10.1109/ICHIS.2007.4344021

Naoki Matsumaru, Thorsten Lenser, Thomas Hinze, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Designing a chemical program using chemical organization theory
BMC Systems Biology, 1(Suppl 1):P26, 2007
paper (pdf), biomedcentral, poster presentation, doi:10.1186/1752-0509-1-S1-P26

Thomas Hinze, Thorsten Lenser, Peter Dittrich (2006)
A Protein Substructure Based P System for Description and Analysis of Cell Signalling Networks
In: H.J. Hoogeboom, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg (Eds.), Proceedings Seventh Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC7), Leiden, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4361, pp. 409-423, Springer Verlag, 2006

Thomas Hinze, Thorsten Lenser, Peter Dittrich (2006)
Zellsignalnetzwerke - Biologische Computer mit universeller Berechnungsstärke
In: R. Freund, M. Oswald (Eds.), Proc. 16. Theorietag Automaten und Formale Sprachen, p. 73--77, TU Wien, 2006

Naoki Matsumaru, Peter Dittrich (2006)
Organization-oriented chemical programming for the organic design of distributed computing systems
Proc. of BIONETICS'06, Cavalese, December 11-13, IEEE
Workshop homepage, paper (pdf)

Naoki Matsumaru, Florian Centler, Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Chemical Organization Theory as a Theoretical Base for Chemical Computing
International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 3(4), 285-309
Journal home, preprint (pdf)

Naoki Matsumaru, Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich (2005)
Chemical Organization Theory as a Theoretical Base for Chemical Computing
in: C. Teuscher, A. Adamatzky (Eds.), Workshop on Unconventional Computing, p. 71-82, Luniver Press, Beckington.
Conference homepage, preprint (pdf)

Peter Dittrich (2005)
The Chemical Information Processing Metaphor as a Programming Paradigm for Organic Computing
In: Proc. of the Workshop Self-Organization and Emergence, 18th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2005), U. Brinkschulte et al. (Eds.), VDE Verlag, Innsbruck, Austria, March 14-17, p. 95-100, 2005.
preprint (pdf), Proceedings

Peter Dittrich (2005)
Chemical Computing
in: J.-P. Banatre, J.-L. Giavitto, P. Fradet, O. Michel (Eds.), Unconventional Programming Paradigms (UPP 2004), LNCS 3566, p. 19 - 32, Springer, Berlin, 2005
preprint (pdf),

Peter Dittrich, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Hilmar Rauhe, Jens Ziegler (1998)
Macroscopic and Microscopic Computation in an Artificial Chemistry
In: Proceedings of the Second German Workshops on Artificial Life (GWAL'97), P. Dittrich, H. Rauhe, and W. Banzhaf (Eds.), SYS Report, No. SYS-5/98, ISSN 0941-4568, Univ. of Dortmund, p. 19-22, 1998
abstract, full paper

Jens Ziegler, Peter Dittrich und Wolfgang Banzhaf (1997)
Towards a Metabolic Robot Controller
In: Information Processing in Cells and Tissues, Mike Holcombe and Ray Paton (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 305-318
abstract, full paper, IPCAT homepage

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Peter Dittrich and Hilmar Rauhe (1996)
Emergent Computation by Catalytic Reactions
Nanotechnology, 7 (1996) pp. 307 - 314
abstract, full paper (preprint): (256k)

Peter Dittrich and Wolfgang Banzhaf(1995)
The chemical computation metaphor and robot control
In Third European Conf. Artificial Life (ECAL'95) - Abstracts, page 45, Granada, Spain, June 4-6, 1995.

Peter Dittrich (1995)
Selbstorganisation in einem System von Binärstrings mit algorithmischen Sekundärstrukturen
Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich Informatik der Universität Dortmund, Lehrstul fuer Systemanalyse (LS XI)
(Diplomathesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Dortmund)

abstract, full work:, da.pdf

------ Autonomous Experimentation / Scouting -------

G. Bergner, S. Schlücker, B. Kampe, Peter Dittrich, B. Dietzek, J. Popp (2012)
Optimal control of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering image contrast
Appl. Phys. Lett., 100(26): 261106-261109, 2012
doi: 10.1063/1.4731205

Naoki Matsumaru, Florian Centler, Klaus-Peter Zauner, Peter Dittrich (2004)
Self-adaptive Scouting - Autonomous Experimentation for Systems Biology
in: Raidl, G. R. et al. (Eds.) Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops 2004. LNAI 3005:52-62, Springer, Berlin
preprint (pdf),

Christian Lasarczyk, Peter Dittrich, Wolfgang Banzhaf (2004)
Topology Based Training Set Selection
Evolutionary Computation, 12(2):223-242
preprint (pdf), journal homepage

Florian Centler, Peter Dittrich, Lawrence Ku, Naoki Matsumaru, Jeffrey Pfaffmann, Klaus-Peter Zauner (2003)
Artificial Life as an Aid to Astrobiology: Testing Life Seeking Techniques
in: W. Banzhaf et al., Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2003, LNAI 2801, pp. 31-40, Springer, Berlin, 2003.
preprint (pdf),

------ Network Evolution -------

Thorsten Lenser, Thomas Hinze, Bashar Ibrahim, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Towards Evolutionary Network Reconstruction Tools for Systems Biology
In: E. Marchiori, J.H. Moore, J.C. Rajapakse (Eds.), Proceedings EvoBio 2007, Valencia, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4447, pp. 132-142, Springer Verlag, 2007

------ Semantics -------

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Naoki Matsumaru, Peter Dittrich (2010)
Flying Over Mount Improbable
Proc. ECAL2009, LNCS, Springer, Berlin, 2010 (in print)

Christian Knüpfer, Clemens Beckstein, Peter Dittrich (2006)
Towards a Semantic Description of Bio-Models: Meaning Facets -- A Case Study
In Ananiadou, S., Fluck, J. (eds.): Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM 2006), Jena, April 9-12, 2006. CEUR-WS, Aachen, RWTH University, pp.97-100 (2006)
online at CEUR-WS, print version (pdf)

------ Gene Regulation -------

Thorsten Lenser, Günter Theissen, Peter Dittrich (2009)
Developmental Robustness by Obligate Interaction of Class B Floral Homeotic Genes and Proteins
PLoS Comput. Biol., 5(1):e1000264, 2009.
Epub 2009 Jan 16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000264

Thomas Hinze, Sikander Hayat, Thorsten Lenser, Naoki Matsumaru, Peter Dittrich (2008)
Biosignal-Based Computing by AHL Induced Synthetic Gene Regulatory Networks.
In P. Encarnacao, A. Veloso (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 1, pp. 162-169, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information Control and Communication, INSTICC press, 2008
Conference webpage, ISBN 978-989-8111-18-0

Thomas Hinze, Sikander Hayat, Thorsten Lenser, Naoki Matsumaru, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Hill Kinetics Meets P Systems: A Case Study on Gene Regulatory Networks as Computing Agents in silico and in vivo.
In: G. Eleftherakis, P. Kefalas, G. Paun (Eds.), Proceedings Eight Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC8), Thessaloniki, pp. 363-381, SEERC Publishers, 2007

Thomas Hinze, Sikander Hayat, Thorsten Lenser, Naoki Matsumaru, Peter Dittrich (2007)
Hill Kinetics Meets P Systems.
In G. Eleftherakis, P. Kefalas, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa (Eds.) Membrane Computing, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4860, pp. 320-335, Springer Verlag, 2007

Christian Knüpfer, Peter Dittrich, Clemens Beckstein (2004)
Artificial Gene Regulation: A Data Source for Validation of Reverse Bioengineering
in: H. Schaub, F. Detje, U. Brüggemann (Eds), Proceedings of the 6th German Workshop on Artificial Life (GWAL6), April 14-16, 2004, Bamberg, Germany, pp. 66-75, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, Berlin.
preprint (pdf),

------ Evolution: Seceder Model and RNA -------

Anne Kupczok, Peter Dittrich (2006)
Determinants of Simulated RNA Evolution
J. Theor. Biol., 238(3), 726-735
doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2005.06.019, preprint (pdf)

Peter Dittrich and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2001)
Survival of the Unfittest? - The Seceder Model and its Fitness Landscape
in: J. Kelemen and P. Sosik (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life (Proc. 6th European Conference on Artificial Life), LNCS 2159, pp. 100-109, Prague, September 10-14, 2001. Springer, Berlin.
preprint (pdf)

Peter Dittrich (2001)
On Artificial Chemistries
Doctoral thesis, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany, January 25, 2001

Peter Dittrich (2000)
The Seceder Effect in Bounded Space
InterJournal Complex Systems, 363
Presented at: International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2000), May 21-26, 2000, Nashua, NH, USA

full paper, abstract (InterJournal), ICCS 2000

Peter Dittrich, Fredrik Liljeros, Arne Soulier, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2000)
Spontaneous Group Formation in the Seceder Model
Phys. Rev. Lett., 84:3205-3208
full paper (preprint), journal homepage, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.3205

------ Artificial Chemistry -------

Hideaki Suzuki, Peter Dittrich (2009)
Artificial Chemistry (Editorial Introduction to Special Issue)
Artif. Life, 15(1):1-3, 2009
doi: doi: 10.1162/artl.2009.15.1.15100

Peter Dittrich (2009)
Artificial Chemistry
In: Bob Meyers et al. (Eds.); Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, p. 113 - 136, Springer, ISBN: 978-0-387-75888-6

Peter Dittrich, Jens Ziegler, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2001)
Artificial Chemistries - A Review
Artificial Life, 7(3):225-275
abstract (journal homepage)

Peter Dittrich (2001)
On Artificial Chemistries
Doctoral thesis, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany, January 25, 2001

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich, Jens Ziegler and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2001)
Towards a Theory of Organizations
In: Holger Lange et al. (Eds.), Proc. German Workshop on Artificial Life (GWAL 2000), Bayreuth, April 5-7, 2000 (in print)
preprint (ps), revised version (doc)

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2001)
Spontaneous Formation of Proto-Cells in an Universal Artificial Chemistry on a Planar Graph
in: J. Kelemen and P. Sosik (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life (Proc. 6th European Conference on Artificial Life), LNCS 2159, pp. 206-215, Prague, September 10-14, 2001. Springer, Berlin.

Andre Skusa, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Jens Busch, Peter Dittrich, and Jens Ziegler (2000)
Künstliche Chemie
Künsliche Intelligenz, 1/00: 12-19
full paper, abstract, journal homepage

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Peter Dittrich, Burkhard Eller (1999)
Topological Interactions in a Binary String System
Physica D, 125 (1999) 85 - 104
abstract, preprint

Peter Dittrich (1999)
Artificial Chemistries (tutorial material)
Tutorial held at ECAL'99, 13-17 September 1999, Lausanne, CH, abstract

Peter Dittrich and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1998)
Self-Evolution in a Constructive Binary String System
Artificial Life 4(2), pp. 203-220, 1998
abstract, full paper (preprint): (500k), Software: autoreac-1.0.tar

Peter Dittrich, Jens Ziegler and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1998)
Mesoscopic Analysis of Self-Evolution in an Artificial Chemistry
Proc. of ''Artificial Life VI'', Los Angeles, June 26-29, 1998; C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano, and C. Taylor, eds., MIT Press, pages 95-103
abstract, full paper,

Peter Dittrich (1998)
Real Evolution in Artificial Chemistries
In: The Right Stuff: Appropriate Mathematics for Evolutionary and Developmenta Biology, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv and Günter P. Wagner (Eds.), Technical Report, Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, School of Information Science, No. 315, p. 27-31

Peter Dittrich and Jens Ziegler (1998)
Artificial Chemistries (workgroup proposal)
In: Third German Workshop on Artificial Life, C. Wilke and S. Altmeyer and T. Martinetz (Eds.), p. 249-258 Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt a. M.

Peter Dittrich, Jens Ziegler and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1998)
Mesoscopic Analysis of an Artificial Chemistry with Self-Organizing Topology
Third German Workshop on Artificial Life, C. Wilke and S. Altmeyer and T. Martinetz (eds.), pp. 155-170, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt a. M., 1998
abstract, full paper,

Peter Dittrich und Wolfgang Banzhaf (1997)
A Topological Structure Based on Hashing - Emergence of a "Spatial" Oranization
Fourth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL97), Brighton 1997
abstract, full paper, ECAL97 site

Peter Dittrich (1995)
Selbstorganisation in einem System von Binärstrings mit algorithmischen Sekundärstrukturen
Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich Informatik der Universität Dortmund, Lehrstul fuer Systemanalyse (LS XI)
(Diplomathesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Dortmund)

abstract, full work:, da.pdf

Peter Dittrich und Wolfgang Banzhaf (1995)
Selbstevolution in einem Binärstringsystem
Proceedings des Workshops "Artificial Life", GMD-Studien Nr. 271, Kersin Dautenhahn et al., Sankt Augustin 1995
abstract, full paper: (10 Seiten, 295k),
short paper: (3 Seiten, 98k),

------ Computational Social Science -- Socionics -------

Peter Dittrich, Lars Winter (2008)
Chemical Organizations in a Toy-Model of the Political System
Advances in Complex Systems 11(4), 609-627
doi: 10.1142/S0219525908001878

Peter Dittrich, Naoki Matsumaru (2007)
Organization-Oriented Chemical Programming
Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2007. HIS 2007. 7th International Conference on (HIS 2007), 17-19 Sept. 2007, pages 8-23, IEEE DL
preprint (pdf), DOI: 10.1109/ICHIS.2007.4344021

Clemens Beckstein, Peter Dittrich, Christian Erfurth, Dietmar Fey, Birgitta K\"onig-Ries, Martin Mundhenk, Harald Sack (2006)
SOGOS - Distributed Meta Level Architecture for the Self-Organizing Grid of Services
In: Mobile Services and Ontologies (MoSO 2006), 9 May 2006, Nara, Japan, p. 1-8, IEEE DL (in print)
preprint (pdf)

Peter Dittrich, Lars Winter (2005)
Reaction Networks as a Formal Mechanism to Explain Social Phenomena
in: H. Deguchi, K. Kijima, T. Terano, H. Kita (Eds.), Proceeding of The Fourth International Workshop on Agent-based Approaches in Economics and Social Complex Systems (AESCS 2005), July 9-13, 2005, Tokyo Institute of Technology, p. 433-446
preprint (pdf)

Peter Dittrich, Thomas Kron, Wolfgang Banzhaf (2003)
On the Scalability of Social Order: Modeling the Problem of Double and Multi Contingency Following Luhmann
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 6(1),
PDF version

Thomas Kron and Peter Dittrich (2002)
Doppelte Kontingenz nach Luhmann - Ein Simulationsexperiment
in: T. Kron (Ed.), Luhmann modelliert, Leske+Budrich, Opladen, pp. 209-251

Peter Dittrich and Thomas Kron (2002)
Complex Reflexive Agents as Models of Social Actors
in: Proc. of the SICE Workshop on Artificial Society/Organization/Economy, 25th Meeting of System Engineering. 20 March 2002, Gakujutso Sougou Center, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 79-88.

Peter Dittrich, Thomas Kron, Christian Kuck, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2001)
Iterated Mutual Observation with Genetic Programming
Sozionik Aktuell 2/2001
paper.pdf (local copy), journal homepage paper.pdf (from journal)

Thomas Kron, Peter Dittrich (2001)
Doppelte Kontingenz und Strukturbildung
in: T. Kron, K Junge, S. Papendick (Hrsg.): Luhmann modelliert. Ansätze zur Simulation von Kommunikationssystemen. Opladen. Leske + Budrich (accepted, in German).

Thomas Kron and Peter Dittrich (2000)
Der komplexe Agent - Eine algorithmische Formalisierung von Akteurmodellen
30. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, "Gute Gesellschaft ?", Abstract-Band, September 26-29, 2000, Köln, Germany, pp. 169-170
Full paper in german available on request.

------ Genetic Programming -------

Iulia Ilie, Peter Dittrich, Nuno Carvalhais, Martin Jung, Andreas Heinemeyer, Micro Migliavacca, James Morison, Sebastian Sippel, Jens-Arne Subke, Matthew Wilkinson, Miguel Mahecha (2017)
Reverse engineering model structures for soil and ecosystem respiration: the potential of gene expression programming
Geoscientific Model Development, gmd-2016-242, 2017
doi: 10.5194/gmd-2016-242

Christian Lasarczyk, Peter Dittrich, Wolfgang Banzhaf (2004)
Topology Based Training Set Selection
Evolutionary Computation, 12(2):223-242
preprint (pdf), journal homepage

Wolfgang Banzhaf and Peter Dittrich (2002)
Morphogenetic Programming (MGP)
Series "SYS Report", Technical Report of Systems Analysis Research Group, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany, No. SYS-2/02, ISSN 0941-4568,, Univ. of Dortmund, 1998

Peter Dittrich, Andre Skusa, Wolfgang Kantschik, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1999)
Dynamical Properties of the Fitness Landscape of a GP Controlled Random Morphology Robot
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, W. Banzhaf and Jason Daida and A. E. Eiben and M. H. Garzon and V. Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith (Eds.), vol. 2, p. 1002-1008, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1999
full paper, GECCO'99, Orlando, Florida, July 13-17, 1999

Wolfgang Kantschik, Peter Dittrich, Markus Brameier, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1999)
Empirical Analysis of Different Levels of Meta-Evolution
Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC99), July 6-9, 1999, Washington DC, USA, vol. 3, p. 2086-2093, IEEE, 1999
full paper

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Dirk Banscherus, and Peter Dittrich (1999)
Hierarchical Genetic Programming using Local Modules
Series "Computational Intelligence", Internal Report of SFB 531, No. 56/99, ISSN 1433-3325, Univ. of Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany, 1999
full paper

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Dirk Banscherus, and Peter Dittrich (1998)
Hierarchical Genetic Programming using Local Modules
InterJournal Complex Systems, no. 228
full paper, abstract (InterJournal), paper presented at ICCS'98

Markus Brameier, Wolfgang Kantschik, Peter Dittrich, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1998)
SYSGP - A C ++ library of different GP variants
Series "Computational Intelligence", Internal Report of SFB 531, No. 48/98, ISSN 1433-3325, Univ. of Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany, 1998
full paper

Wolfgang Kantschik, Peter Dittrich, Markus Brameier, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1999)
Meta-Evolution in Graph GP
In: Genetic Programming, Second European Workshop (EuroGP'99), Proceedings, R. Poli, P. Nordin, W.B. Langdon, T.C. Fogarty (eds.), LNCS 1598, p. 15-28, Springer, Berlin, 1999
full paper

------ Random Morphology Robot -------

Peter Dittrich, Andreas Buergel and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1999)
Random Morphology Robot - A Test Platform for Online Evolution
submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Peter Dittrich, Andreas Buergel and Wolfgang Banzhaf (1998)
Learning to Move a Robot with Random Morphology
In: Evolutionary Robotics, First European Workshop, EvoRob98, Paris, France, April 1998, Proceedings, Phil Husbands and Jean-Arcady Meyer (eds.), LNCS 1468, pp. 165-178 Springer, Berlin, 1998
abstract, full paper, EVOROB'98 site

------ Other -------

Stefan Artmann, Peter Dittrich (Eds.) (2006)
Explorations in the Complexity of Possible Life: Abstracting and Synthesizing the Principles of Living Systems, Proceedings of the 7th German Workshop on Artificial Life
IOS Press, Amsterdam
Conference homepage,

Peter Dittrich, Jan T. Kim (Eds.) (2003)
Workshop and Tutorials - European Conference for Artificial Life, September 14-17, 2003, Dortmund
University of Dortmund, 2003
Conference homepage

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Thomas Christaller, Peter Dittrich, Jan T. Kim, Jens Ziegler (Eds.) (2003)
Advances in Artificial Life - 7th European Conference, ECAL 2003, Dortmund, Germany September 2003, Proceedings
LNAI 2801, Springer, Berlin.
Conference homepage,

Peter Dittrich, Hilmar Rauhe, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (Eds.) (1998)
Proceedings of the Second German Workshop on Artificial Life
Series "SYS Report", Technical Report of Systems Analysis Research Group, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany, No. SYS-5/98, ISSN 0941-4568,, Univ. of Dortmund, 1998
Contents, GWAL'97 Homepage

"May 10 2019" Peter Dittrich